Sunday, March 28, 2010

womans day is it a necessary for the women of india today?

Do we indian women require womans day?a mothers day,the girl child day etc etc which ever is the question most of us essential is this single special day comming just once a year in our lives ?its not one day in a whole year we care for the family we have thats not one day we care for ourt children and its not just that day SHE is a girl child.

 Whatever a woman was doing in the vedic period is what a woman is doing today.any difference .yes the difference is the civilizationand the culture then and till date.the woman used to cook, take careof the families,manage the household politics,between her self and inlaws as a whole,manage children husband etc till the pre indipendence era she used to manage things with in the household in urban areas and a little outside the house in rural areas,ie taking care of the cattle and the farms.

The woman of today has to manage everything rt fromthe house hold activites which tend to lead the woman to also go out ,the children we also need to do a second course of study exdending to thier projects,and banks and other financial activitiestoo,with all these taking care of the old and aged is no easy task either for working women it could be much harder  for thier non working counter parts as the nonworking ones are considered freely available to everyone,as they are always at home.and the statement is you are at home always so whats the problem?you can do it.But my dear friends let me tell u the so called non working females are doing more than a 24 hrs job than any one else other than all the above jobs suggested these woman nonworking women are supposed to adjust and keep the house preasentable when the whole lot busy people of the house come back from thier respective activites.the house that had been converted into a dumping yard by the children ,by the husband,by the old and the not capable,and in addition the pets.tooin thesse days when getting a servant maid is an uphil task.(for these days as the cost of living being higher they ask higher payments,when we cant afford then we cant have anyone even if you tend to have some one we have an additional job of looking into thier activies as they may tend to escape the work or flick things and this inturn the woman of the house needs to face the owners of the objects lost.)so its easier doing ourselves
then come the old and noncapable ones .we are at home so who attends we obviously attend thier timetable of food according to thier tastes,give them thier medicines do their medical tests all at their will (a must)least they stand behind u and keep either mum or its the first important thing you see,and after all these what do u get in return?my daughter in law  doesnt care for us.

All this with out a word of thanks,or gratitude from either the old and the aged ,the husband,the children at times the servant feels a little.for she too is in the same shoes.the pets that way are better for they show thier gratitude by lovingly getting closer and purring.

so why these special days a show off that u too love your other half ,your woman,your mother ?
 if you really feel for  please dont hurt her. if not for her this world is not existing.